Costa Rica Map


Costa Rica has the highest bio-diversity ranking in the world making it the top centre for eco-tourism. Its extensive national park system provides visitors with excellent chances to see many plants and animals (some endemic) in a relatively tiny area. The country has something to offer all types of tourists and budgets.


James Wisener

Trip Type

Self Tour


Two Weeks

Guide Book Used

Lonely Planet


Costa Rica Colon

US $ is also widely excepted. Euro and Canadian can be exchanged in most hotels but the exchange rate is not good.

Tipping in small amounts is common for drivers and guides. Often 10% will be added to bills to cover service in restaurants, leave something extra if the service was outstanding.

If you are using credit cards to pay then you will normally be hit with an additional fee. The reason is there are only two companies in Costa Rica that process credit card transactions and they take a high percent of the transaction.


Spanish is the national language.

Most major tourist areas will have English speakers and sometimes German and French. Some basic Spanish will come in handy in smaller towns.


Costa Rica has two seasons: rainy (May to November) and dry (December to April). Even in the dry season expect rain in certain areas. The dry season is the most popular with visitors. The rainy season can offer some huge discounts.

Wet weather gear is recommended. Given the heat an umbrella can also work very well. Most of the hiking is on dirt trails, that can quickly turn to mud or a small stream, so be sure to bring shoes or boots that can dry quickly. Bug spray is also recommended.


Costa Rica is a very safe country for visitors. It is the most politically stable country in the region.

Food and water are mostly safe. Bottle water is available in most areas.

If you are heading into the rainforest for hiking then pay the extra for a guide. You will learn a lot more and see a lot more then going by yourself. Most organized tours include a guide. Stay on the trails. This lessens your impact on the environment. Also some of the vegetation is very thick and people can get lost very quickly.

There are several species of venomous snakes to be found. If you see one in the wild then consider yourself lucky.

Adventure travel in Costa Rica is very popular. Most companies are excellent and are very safety oriented. Before booking an excursion do some asking around about safety.

Getting There

Air: Most international flights are to San Jose. Many of these originate in Miami, USA.

Bus: Not easy.

Rail: Not easy.

Car: Not easy.

Getting Around

Air: There are several small airlines in Costa Rica that provide air service. Most flights leave from San Jose. The prices are reasonable and for certain destinations this may be the only option.

Normal Bus: Costa Rica has a great public bus system if you have more time then money. San Jose is the hub of the bus system so moving around often means returning there to catch your next bus. Prices are very cheap US $5 for a several hour bus ride. You need to book about 24 hours in advance.

Tourist Bus: There are two companies Gray Line (Fantasy Bus) and Interbus that provide daily shuttles between the most common tourist areas. Prices are in the US $20-$30 range. The buses go from destination to destination which means you can avoid going back to San Jose. The buses are small and most have air conditioning. You need to book about 3 days in advance.

Taxi: This sounded crazy to me but it can be done. Drivers in San Jose will offer to take you most places in the country for around US $100. The advantage is this will allow you to stop along the way to check out some sites. You can negotiate on the price. Usually must be arranged a day before.

Car: Driving in Costa Rica is crazy. I have never seen people pass blindly up a hill going along a step windy mountain road. If your in for an adventure then give it a try. Some of the roads can be very bad. Depending on your destinations you may require a 4x4.


Most festivals are centered around the Catholic religion.

Links To City/Area Reviews

Jaco - Best surfing area in Costa Rica.

Monteverde - The Cloud Forest Reserve and Santa Elena

Arenal - The active Arenal Volcano and Arenal Lake


Jaco Area Photos

Carara National Park Photos

Manual Antonio National Park

Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve Photos

Arenal Volcano Photos


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