Alberta missing the link

I was born and raised in Calgary, spent a great 16 years there.  I still have a soft spot for the province and defend it from people’s belief that it is filled with right wing conservatives.  I always felt the province had a special sort of “conservative” view that was for smaller government and business, but pretty much middle of the road on everything else. Above all I always thought people in the province looked out for each other.  I started having some doubts about this view when the tar sands projects were allowed to run rampant with a lack of concern about the future of these areas and the people living downstream.

Well my doubts have been sadly bolstered this week with the announcement of a new bill with a section allowing parents to remove their kids from classes when certain topics are discussed.  I can understand that some parents may want to take care of sex education at home.  I however can’t fathom why the law of evolution would be a possible topic to miss.  Sure I understand that some people’s religious beliefs don’t jive well with parts of evolution but the science of evolution is a fact.  What about gravity or geology,  I can only imagine the young earth people lining up to remove kids for these topics as well.

Our government and education are supposed to be secular.  Science classes should be taught on the basis of scientific knowledge and not pandering to religious groups.  If they are really this insecure with their beliefs then I suggest home schooling.  This way the kids can blame the parents when they are older and ask them why they missed out on the fundamentals of their education, while they try to find a career in which this knowledge doesn’t matter.

For a province rich in field of natural science, think the Royal Tyrrell Museum, it seems strange to still be having these debates.

I hope the people of Alberta tell the government to get back on track.

Earth Hour

Earth Hour Logo
Earth Hour Logo

You should sign up for Earth Hour this year, Saturday, March 28, 2009, 8:30 pm.  Gather family and friends together for a candle lit dinner. Last year we actually turned off the main breaker in the house for several hours.

I Speak For Rivers

I Speak For Rivers Logo
I Speak For Rivers Logo

The Federal 2009 Budget has a few amendments to the Navigable Waters Protection Act (NWPA) contained in it.  I suggest you check out the I Speak for Canadian Rivers site for more information and a petition asking that the changes be moved to the Environmental Protection Act review (Spring 2009).  The concern in the amendments is the power it gives the Minister to skip a review of project impacts on navigation.  Think about more portaging on those canoe/kayak/rafting trips.

Google Earth 5.0 is Under this World

Google Earth 5.0 has been released with some pretty amazing features added to an already great program.  My favourite – I am an avid diver and water lover – is the new ocean features.  Previous versions of Google Earth did amazing things on the terrestrial side, now the ocean part of our planet is getting some need attention.  You can now plunge in under the water to get a great view of the formations around islands.  Check out the Hawaiian Island chain for a great example. Also they are pulling in data from many other sites to provide a wealth of information about different parts of the ocean.

Another really interesting tool is the ability to see an area in different times. For example you can see the areas around New Orleans before and after Hurricane Katrina. You can also see urban sprawl happen right before your eyes.

Other thing to check out are the sky and Mars views.

Happy earth viewing.