Jamas.net turns 10

That is right Jamas.Net is 10 years old.  10 years of a bad entry page, 6 years of using WordPress to blog about nothing and still some pages that were probably last updated 10 years ago.  Wow what an anniversary.   To my regular readers please take a moment to leave a 10th anniversary comment.  Oh wait I don’t have regular readers.  So here is to another 10 years of adding nothing to the collective human knowledge but enjoying every minute of it.

A look at the site through the years, images from the Internet Archive – Wayback Machine.

Jamas.net now running WordPress 2.9

The WordPress has done another fantastic job with version 2.9 of WordPress. You can check out the list of features added but let me highlight the two that I am most excited about.

The first is the ability to batch update plugins. I am running 10+ WordPress sites at the moment which means keeping the those sites updated is a fair amount of work. This should make updating plugins a snap!

The second change is the ability to embed video directly in a post without the use of a plugin. I have been having a hard time finding a plugin that does this really well.

So again to the WordPress team thanks again for an amazing update.

WordPress – Plugin Changelogs

WordPress » Improving your plugin – Changelogs announces that a new section will be added to the readme.txt files that plugin authors should use to track changes.  As a heavy user of plugins across several different websites this is a very nice improvement.  It will make the plugin update that much smoother, as admins will no longer have to go hunting for changes on another website, it will just show up on the plugin upgrade panel.  It is things like this that make the WordPress UI so good and why WordPress is my favourite framework. Hopefully authors will start using it.

Jamas.net now running WordPress 2.8

Another great release of WordPress has been released. WordPress 2.8 provides the back end user with lots of ability to control the look of each section of the admin menu. Great for hiding features that get in the way of an efficient work flow.

I have been working on some new projects using a few other CMS systems. WordPress still continues to stand out as my favourite because the WordPress team has put an amazing amount of effort into making the admin interface easy and intuitive.

As a reader of this site it should seem a little snappier with 2.8.

A big thanks to the WordPress team for another great release.

Jamas.net now running WordPress 2.7

Wow what a slick new admin interface. Sadly as a visitor you can’t see it – so get your own WordPress blog to enjoy it. Thanks to the whole WordPress development team for another solid release.